How To Clean Lake Scum Off Aluminum Boat

How To Clean Lake Scum Off Aluminum Boat? 10 DIY Steps

Aluminum boats are a popular choice for recreational activities such as fishing and boating. However, over time, the surface of the boat can become covered in scum, which can be unsightly and may even affect the boat’s performance. Cleaning lake scum off an aluminum boat is a simple process that can be done with a…

Power Pole Troubleshooting: 8 Problems and Solutions

Power Pole Troubleshooting: 8 Problems and Solutions

A power pole is a helpful instrument for boating. It can help smooth riding with silent movement. But many people face power pole problems. Some people ask, what are the power pole troubleshooting and solutions? Power poles can stop working, may sink, or do not come up. All three problems occur because the internal parts…